UROKSET - Junioriluokka
ERI1 SA PU1 SERT ROP-juniori VSP Hiromitsu Ryujiro go
EH2 Vuorenvarman Vastarannankiiski
EH3 Odoroki no Kaen Ootani
UROKSET - Nuorten luokka
ERI1 Sorano Seishin no Hayato go
ERI2 Vuorenvarman Nuuskamuikkunen
ERI3 Tediibea no Fuyu Yoru
ERI4 Odoroki no Roiyaru Obito
ERI Gogatsu Kensha no Eiyu Kuma
EVA Gyukuin Kiriena Kensha
UROKSET - Avoin luokka
ERI1 Odoroki no Hatsukoi Katsuya
ERI2 Gogatsu Kensha no Chiko
UROKSET - Valioluokka
ERI1 SA PU2 Hasaki Team Chinatsu Jr
ERI2 SA PU3 Chiya go Sakura no Sono
ERI3 SA PU4 Kitano Kaze no Yuki-Kyosuke go
ERI4 SA Kitano Kaze no Heihachi go
ERI D'Zeus go Shiroiarashi
ERI Kitano Kaze no Jin go
ERI Odoroki no Hatsukoi Kazuma
ERI Odoroki no Kitsune Naoki
NARTUT - Junioriluokka
ERI1 SA VSP-juniori Ran go Tokimitsu
ERI2 SA Kaminari Pride Yanira
ERI3 SA Nihon no Egao Firiel Dee
ERI4 Jikino Kensha no Kamiumi go
EH Odoroki no Kaen Nobuka
NARTUT - Nuorten luokka
ERI1 SA VARA-SERT Q'Rizumu go Tokimitsu
ERI2 SA Gogatsu Kensha no Fubuki
ERI3 SA Sorano Seishin no Tsukikage go
ERI4 Gogatsu Kensha no Emi Tomoko
ERI- Sorano Seishin no Kirikaze go
EH Minako Iz yuki Land
EH Odoroki no Roiyaru Izumi
NARTUT - Avoin luokka
ERI1 SA SERT Jikino Kensha no Tsushima go
ERI2 SA Arasakura no Akemi
ERI3 Kitano Kaze no Jun go
ERI4 Izumi Gai Ayame
ERI Fireball of Wolf Point
EH Viribus Unitis Kibo
NARTUT - Valioluokka
ERI1 SA PN1 ROP Odoroki no Hatsukoi Mitsuru
ERI2 SA PN2 Rosia Kara Suzu go
ERI3 SA PN3 Sorano Seishin no Hinamori go
ERI4 SA PN4 Odoroki no Hatsukoi Mayuko
ERI Hilla
ERI I'Yufa Des Seigneurs D'Orient
ERI Kitano Kaze no Kunimitsu go
ERI Odoroki no Kitsune Noriko
ERI Viribus Unitis Mido Presea
NARTUT - Veteraaniluokka
ERI1 SA ROP-veteraani Vuorenvarman Rotunainen
1 KP ROP-kasvattaja Kennel Odoroki
2 KP Kennel Kitano Kaze
3- Kennel Gogatsu Kensha
4- Kennel Sorano Seishin
1 KP ROP-jälkeläisluokka I'Yufa Des Seigneurs D'Orient
2 KP Chiya go Sakura no Sono
3 Rosia Kara Suzu go
1 Chiya go Sakura no Sono & Q'Rizumu go Tokimitsu
2 Odoroki No Kitsune Naoki and Kaminari Pride Yanira
3 Odoroki no Hatsukoi Kazuma & Nihon No Egao Firiel Dee
4 Kitano Kaze no Jun go & Kitano Kaze no Lilith go
Paras brindle - Hilla
Paras valkoinen - Jikino Kensha no Nerazim Vorazun
Paras punainen - Hasaki Team Chinatsu Jr
Paras häntä - Q'Rizumu go Tokimitsu
Parhaat tassut - Kitano Kaze no Kunimitsu go
Paras ilme - Esey Naoko
Special Best in Show
1 Esey Naoko (ROP-pentu)
2 Odoroki no Hatsukoi Mitsuru (ROP)
3 Sorano Seishin no Jinnai go (ROP-turisti)
10.00 pennut / puppies 8
- 5-7 kk / months urokset / males 4, nartut / females 3
- 7-9 kk / months urokset / males 0, nartut / females 1
Rop- & Vsp-pennun valinta / BOB & BOS puppies
Turistit / Tourist class 5
- urokset / males 3
-nartut / Females 2
Rop- & Vsp-turistin valinta / BOB & BOS tourists
11.00 kakkukahvi tarjoilu
Yhdistys tarjoaa jäsenistölleen 30 v kakkukahvit /
/ 30 year anniversary of the Akita club, cake and coffee for all members of the association
11.45 urokset / males 20
- junioriluokka / junior class 3
- nuortenluokka / intermediate class 7
- avoinluokka / open class 2
- valioluokka / champion class 8
- veteraaniluokka / veteran class 0
13.15 lounastauko / lounch break
14.00 nartut / females 28
- junioriluokka / junior class 5
- nuortenluokka / intermediate class 7
- avoinluokka / open class 6
- valioluokka / champion class 9
-veteraaniluokka / veteran class 1
16.00 loppukilpailut / Final competition
Rop-jälkeläinen / BOB progeny class 3
Rop- kasvattaja / BOB breeder class 4
Paras pari -kilpailu / Best brace Competition
Paras brindle väri / Best brindle colour
Paras valkoinen väri / Best white colour
Paras punainen väri / Best red colour
Paras häntä / Best tail
Paras ilme / Best expression
Rop- & Vsp-juniori / BOB & BOS juniors
Rop- & Vsp- veteraani / BOB & BOS veterans
Rop & Vsp / BOB & BOS
Special Best in show
(Rop-pentu, Rop-turisti & Rop / competition between BOB-puppy, BOB-tourist & BOB)
19.30 juhlaillallinen / Anniversary dinner
30 vuotis Juhlaillallinen kaikille illallisen maksaneille / 30 year anniversary dinner for all who has payed it in advance.
Tervetuloa! / Welcome
Yhdistys järjestää juhlaillallisen erikoisnäyttelyn päätteeksi Messilässä. Juhlimme yhdistyksen 30-vuotista taivalta hyvä ruuan merkeissä yhdessä erikoisnäyttelyn tuomarin ja kutsuvieraiden kanssa. Illalliskortit myynnissä nyt!
The Finnish Akita Association organizes an Anniversary celebration dinner after the Speciality Show in Messilä. This year marks the 30th anniversary for the association. Dinner cards for sale!
Kutsu Akita ry 30v juhlaillalliselle 24.8.2019.
Britt Nyberg
Hello everyone, here are some words about me:
I was born in 1957 and dogs have always been a part of my life, regardless of where in the world I have lived - India, Japan, Sweden or Norway. Our family moved to Japan in the mid 60's, where I discovered, and fell in love with the Akita breed. In November 1970, we bought our first Akita while we still lived there, a white male we called "Hachiko", "Fujimaru of Saisho Kensha", who returned with us home to Sweden. Some years later we imported another Akita female from Japan. Over the years, I have obedience trained my Akitas, gone mushing, tracking and explored other activities with them.
Together with Dag Rune Egge, under the prefix of "Kintos", I have bred Akitas and owned several Show Champions, both National and International, the Best of Breed at the 2nd JKC Speciality Show in 1994 in Sweden, BIS & Group-finalists, and also bred Akitas that have become licensed tracking dogs for wounded game. Today we have two Akitas at home.
My dream to become a judge came true, when I was authorized as an FCI judge in 2006 for the Akita, American Akita, Shiba, Kai, Shikoku, Kishu and Hokkaido. Today I am currently authorized for the Bernese mountain dog, Great Swiss mountain dog, Entlebucher and Appenzeller in Group 2, and many of the breeds in Group 5, http://www.fci-judge.org/FciJudge/admin/judge/00000000-0000-0000-02cb-38c6a20f2ff4/view including the Japanese and Asian Spitzes, Nordic breeds and Ibiza hound, just to name a few of them.
I have judged in Norway, Italy, Germany, Hungary, England, Russia, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, the Netherlands and in Belgium. I have been a board member of the Norwegian Akita Club for more than 35 years; board member of the Swedish Akita Club prior to that, breed councillor, and am also a committee member of the WUAC since 2004. I'm honored to be invited to judge the Specialty, and am very much looking forward to the occasion!
Britt Nyberg